Sunday, June 28, 2009

Pig at Colonial Farm

Pig at Colonial Farm
Originally uploaded by Michael J. Mahoney

We went to a picnic at Turkey Run. We took a walk up to the Claude Moore Colonial Farm to show Brenden the animals. He enjoyed seeing turkeys, geese, and the pigs. This is one of the pigs who came over to say hello.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Another look at the zoo

Eyeing the Food
Originally uploaded by Michael J. Mahoney

This one was eye-balling the food on the other side of the gate. His trunk was just about long enough to get at it.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Wild Daisy

Wild Daisy
Originally uploaded by Michael J. Mahoney

I don't do a lot of macro work, but it was this or another shot of the great blue heron. This wild daisy had a beetle visitor on Saturday morning. It is kind of amazing what goes on around us that we are usually unaware of. Now only if the darn ants would be as inconspicuous....

Monday, June 1, 2009

I'm ready for my closeup

I'm ready for my closeup
Originally uploaded by Michael J. Mahoney

This Kori Bustard was more than happy to pose for me on our trip to the National Zoo.