Saturday, December 4, 2010

Conowingo Bald Eagles

Conowingo, originally uploaded by Michael J. Mahoney.

A slightly distant but interesting photo. The eagles get very active when the damn turns on the turbines. When we arrived it was very foggy, no good for photos. I was a bit worried because my intel was saying the turbines were typically being run from 6 to 9am.

Fortunately this time the turbines didn't start until around 8:30am giving plenty of time for the fog to clear.

The pattern seemed to be one eagle would catch a fish, other eagles would try to steal it, 50 photographers with better gear than me documents it.

Fun trip.

Nobody every suspects the butterfly

Went into the butterfly exhibit with the boy. Man it was warm in there. The butterflies liked it.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Conimicut Light

Conimicut Light, originally uploaded by Michael J. Mahoney.

This is the Conimicut Light as seen from my Aunt's deck. Given the conditions of the day, I thought the old sepia look brought out the character a bit more. This was built in 1883 and is still an active navigation aid.

Monday, August 23, 2010


Curious, originally uploaded by Michael J. Mahoney.

This little guy was kind of interested in what I was doing. I was surprised he hung out as long as he did.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Originally uploaded by Michael J. Mahoney

I was out one morning looking for a nice place to take some photos. I was looking for a spot to do some bird photography, but this one didn't pan out as I would have liked. On the upside, there were quite a few dragonflies out and this one was patient.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Dawn View of Jefferson

Dawn View of Jefferson
Originally uploaded by Michael J. Mahoney

Saturday morning I went down to the tidal basin to take pictures during the Cherry Blossom peak. Since I already had some nice cherry blossom landscapes from last year I focused on other types of images this year.

I was able to get there pre-dawn. It was a bit hazy with a few clouds that really lit the sky a nice purple. In about an hour, this bench and everywhere around it will be completely occupied by the crowds. For now, a nice serene, purple, scene.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Lift off

Lift off
Originally uploaded by Michael J. Mahoney

For some reason I like vultures. They play an important role in the cycle of life and the environment and have an interesting clumsiness. Just incase you think I'm odd, look into Tibetan sky burial and remember the vultures in The Jungle Book.

Even still, I was walking back up the path from Great Falls main overlook and he was in the tree over my head and spooked me a bit. I was able to catch him getting ready to take off. (Love the new lens.)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Very blue

Very blue
Originally uploaded by Michael J. Mahoney

This Cassowary, an endangered Australian bird, was particularly interesting. Apparently, this is the only bird with armor (the helmet) which protects his head from rain-forrest brush. Quite an amazing bird (and very thankfully flightless).

Monday, March 15, 2010

Hog heaven

Hog heaven
Originally uploaded by Michael J. Mahoney

Sometimes its about the simple pleasures in life, a little food, a little slop, and a nice red house.

Classic Ford Pickup

Classic Ford Pickup
Originally uploaded by Michael J. Mahoney

On a recent outing to Frying Pan Farm park they had the old work horse red ford pickup out. Nice red on blue.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Passing Farm - Train Ride

Passing Farm - Train Ride
Originally uploaded by Michael J. Mahoney

A little while back we took the boys to Strasburg Rail. They loved it. "Trains!, Trains!, Trains!" was exclaimed while pointing with both fingers. During a little more calm time on the train ride I followed this farm and cloud formation as it lined up for a nice look.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Warm light, cold ice

Warm light, cold ice
Originally uploaded by Michael J. Mahoney

After the first main snow this weekend I was able to get out for a quick walk. By walk, I mean shuffling through knee deep snow. The geese were pretty cold standing on the ice. On the way back to my warm house I took this nice warm light with the large icicle.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Hi Cow

Hi Cow
Originally uploaded by Michael J. Mahoney

We went to Frying Pan Park to see the animals. Brenden really likes the cows. He spent a good amount of time saying "Hi Cow, Hi Cow, Hi Cow, Hi Cow, Hi Cow..." You get the idea. This little guy was the most friendly and interested.